Sunday, November 16, 2014

Christmas shopping @TFS

So a couple of days ago, T's sister handed me this brochure for THEFACESHOP's Christmas sale.

I'm not usually impressed (to say the least) by the pricing of Korean skincare/cosmetic products in Sunny Singapore because it's all-so-overpriced compared to the prices I was used to shopping ONLINE in the Korean websites (yes it's way cheaper than the prices in physical stores and they deliver all of it with generous freebies to your doorstep), but this time around, something caught my eye.

Really cute hand cream sets! No, really...

The SMIM concentrate!!!!! 더스밈 (It's like a skin conditioner like Albion / SKII that essentially preps the skin to be more receptive to the usual skincare steps)

SMIM comes from the Korean term 스며들다, which means to be quickly absorbed. And that's what this whole series does! I really swear by this series' density version for the concentrate, toner and emulsion for day use. It's like a milder version of SKII (and more friendly on the pocket) and it works without irritating my sensitive skin.

It comes in the 150ml bottle with two 50ml bottles of the toner and emulsion too at 69.90sgd.

Well. In kimchi land, if you buy just the concentrate ONLINE now, you get the big sized ones over 200ml at 20,500krw, that's like under 25sgd, the usual price being over 45,000krw. (50sgd+++?)

Anyway, I think 70sgd for the entire thing is pretty okay since it's literally at par with the prices in the Korean retail stores.

So, got them 3 sets and some freebies ^^

I <3 samples for traveling! Don't you all?

The poster is dec of the dozen featuring KIM SOO HYUN ssi 김수현씨. (Yes the smarty pants from 별에서 온 그대. So if anyone wants it... ^^

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